Republication Guidelines

Interested in republishing our content? 

NEWSWELL is an innovative nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening local news outlets. We want to help communities and democracy thrive, and that starts with an informed public. 

We allow other outlets to republish content – in print or online – for free, as long as you follow our guidelines. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • You must credit the appropriate NEWSWELL property, any co-reporting partners and the full name of the author or creator. This includes bylines and all credit lines for photos, illustrations, videos, graphic illustrations and audio. The credit requirement applies to all content published or aired, regardless of platform.
  • If the originating article includes a tagline indicating contributions from other authors or outlets, content supported through grant funding or any information beyond the author’s biography and contact information, you must retain the tagline in your republication.
  • You may publish NEWSWELL-produced elements (i.e., staff photos, data visualizations, audio clips) with other content as long as the work is properly attributed to the appropriate NEWSWELL newsroom.
  • If publishing NEWSWELL content on a digital platform that allows hyperlinks, you must include a link to the originating news outlet’s homepage or the original article URL. For social media platforms that do not allow hyperlinks (i.e., Instagram), please tag the appropriate NEWSWELL newsroom in some form.
  • You may not republish photos or other content provided by third-party providers without payment or permission directly from the third party. For example, you may not publish handout art or photos credited to the Associated Press, Reuters or Getty without their permission. You may republish images or illustrations produced by NEWSWELL-owned properties. When in doubt, contact the appropriate newsroom listed on our Local Newsrooms page.
  • You may trim stories for length and edit NEWSWELL content for style, but you must contact the originating newsroom about material changes and additions prior to republication. Find a full list of newsroom contacts on our Local Newsrooms page.
  • NEWSWELL owns the copyright to all work produced by its newsrooms. When downloading and publishing content, you understand and agree there is no exclusive right to the content.
  • You must publish NEWSWELL content in front of online paywalls.
  • Newsrooms cannot systematically republish NEWSWELL content via RSS feed or other automated systems.
  • You may not sell any NEWSWELL content.
  • You may not sell ads against NEWSWELL content, but you may republish NEWSWELL content on a page with ads you have already sold.
  • In the event of a correction or clarification, NEWSWELL asks you to publish the corrected or clarified information in the republished content.
  • For logos, please contact the appropriate newsroom listed on our Local Newsrooms page. For NEWSWELL logos, please contact 

All NEWSWELL content is published under
Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 4.0 unless otherwise indicated.

If you have any other questions, contact